The Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine will hold its 2023 graduation ceremony on Sunday, April 30, at 2 p.m. in the Wright State Nutter Center.
A class of 107 medical students from the Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine will celebrate graduation on Sunday, April 30, at 2 p.m. in the Wright State Nutter Center.
In addition to the conferring of degrees, the ceremony will include a “hooding ceremony” in which graduates receive traditional regalia denoting their status and profession.
Graduating students will also take a professional oath to mark the start of their medical careers and sign a registry to commemorate their first use of the initials M.D. following their names.
The graduation ceremony will be live-streamed at wright.edu/streaming and on Wright State’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.
In July, the graduates will begin prestigious residencies and receive advanced training in the medical specialties of their choice. The new physicians will enter outstanding residency training programs in Dayton, throughout Ohio and nationwide. A complete list of all matches is available at medicine.wright.edu/match.
Gary LeRoy, M.D., senior vice president for diplomate engagement of the American Board of Family Medicine and a Boonshoft School of Medicine faculty member and graduate, will deliver the commencement address.

Gary LeRoy, senior vice president for diplomate engagement of the American Board of Family Medicine and a Boonshoft School of Medicine faculty member and graduate, will deliver the commencement address.
LeRoy assists the board with fulfilling its social responsibility of protecting the health of the public and enhancing the certification experience of board-certified physicians.
The American Board of Family Medicine is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to improve the health of the public through board certification, residency training, research, leadership development and the development of family medicine.
LeRoy is also an associate professor of family medicine at the Boonshoft School of Medicine. He served as the associate dean of student affairs and admissions at the School of Medicine from 2008 to 2022.
He served as the president-elect, president and board chair of the American Academy of Family Physicians from 2018 to 2021.
He also served as president of the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians and vice president of the Phi Rho Sigma Medical Society, and board chair of The Dayton Foundation, Public Health Dayton/Montgomery County, and Hospice of Dayton. He serves as the chief medical consultant for the City of Dayton Schools. He is an active member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, the Ohio State Medical Association and the American Medical Association.
LeRoy has been honored as the Miami Valley Family Physician of the Year and Educator of the Year and Philanthropist of the Year from the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians.
He has also received the Wright State University Outstanding Alumni Achievement Award, a Certificate of Recognition by the Ohio House of Representatives and Ohio Senate, the American Association of Medical Colleges Humanism in Medicine Award, the National Council of Community and Justice Humanism Award and the American Medical Student Association Golden Apple Teaching Excellence Award.
As a practicing family physician, LeRoy has provided health care services for the Dayton community for 30 years at Community Health Centers of Greater Dayton and the East Dayton Health Center, where he was medical director from 1998 to 2008.
He released his first book, “Quotes from the Edge of Nowhere: The Art of Noticing Unnoticed Wisdom,” in 2021.
LeRoy earned his bachelor’s degree and medical degree from Wright State University. He completed his family medicine residency at Wright State and Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton and a primary care faculty development fellowship at Michigan State University.