Pocket pair

Wright State University staff use a card game to stay healthy and connected

Laughing and cheering could be heard around lunchtime on Wright State University’s Dayton Campus on June 7, as staff members rooted for hearts and diamonds to complete their best poker hand while lacing up their tennis shoes and walking over a mile in the Poker Pit Stop 2023.

Almost 70 participants walked five laps around the National Pan-Hellenic Council Memorial Plots, “Turning Points” and Trustees Plaza. After each lap, participants received one playing card. After five laps (equal to one mile), participants were able to complete their best poker hand.

Those with the top poker hands received Wright State prizes and swag.

“This was a great event,” said Kate Page, Ph.D., a compliance specialist in the Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance. “It’s a great way to exercise, and I met some new colleagues over in Career Advising.”

The community coalition subcommittee of Staff Senate organized the event to connect employees with coworkers around campus. This was the second year Poker Pit Stop was held on the Dayton Campus.

“A lot of folks don’t have a whole lot of time during the year to connect with other staff and faculty around campus so it’s a nice opportunity to do that,” said Eric Corbitt, the director of the Student Union and Campus Recreation who helped organize the event.

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