Through the Employer Speaker Series, Wright State students can connect with employers and learn about employment and internship opportunities.
Wright State University’s Fall 2023 Employer Speaker Series will kick off on Sept. 28 with a visit from representatives of SOCHE (Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education).
Formed in 1967, SOCHE connects students, educators, government agencies, businesses, employers and other organizations to share information, access professional development opportunities, and close workforce gaps through internships and research projects.
SOCHEintern offers one-stop shopping for students seeking internships. One application will allow students to be considered for multiple internship programs. College students can apply for year-round and summer internship and co-op positions on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and with local employers.
Wright State’s Employer Speaker Series will continue with speakers from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base on Oct. 11 and Nordson on Nov. 12.
Through the Employer Speaker Series, students can connect with employers and learn about employment and internship opportunities. In addition, recruiters will be on hand to meet with students personally following the employer overview presentation.
For more information, contact Cindy Garman at cindy.garman@wright.edu or 937-775-2049.
Fall 2023 Employer Speaker Series
Thursday, Sept. 28, 11 a.m.–2 p.m., Student Union Atrium: SOCHE
SOCHE offers access to hundreds of paid internship opportunities for most career fields and all education levels, including:
- Fellowship opportunities for master’s and doctoral students
- Federal employment
- Volunteer opportunities
Pre-registration through Handshake is encouraged but not required.
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 11 a.m.–2 p.m., Student Union Atrium: Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Three different divisions for civilian employment will be on hand, including the Air Force Materiel Command, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center and civilian contract specialists.
Pre-registration through Handshake is encouraged but is not required.
Thursday, Nov. 2, 11 a.m.–2 p.m., Student Union Atrium: Nordson
Nordson serves numerous consumer non-durable, durable and technology end markets, including packaging, electronics, medical, appliances, energy, transportation, construction and product assembly and finishing. For more information about positions available visit nordson.com/en/about-us/careers.
Pre-registration through Handshake is encouraged but is not required.