From the series President's Awards for Excellence 2024

2024 President’s Award for Excellence in Leadership (Classified)

Tracey Hill, administrative support coordinator, School of Humanities and Cultural Studies

Tracey Hill, administrative support coordinator in the School of Humanities and Cultural Studies

Tracey Hill, administrative support coordinator in the School of Humanities and Cultural Studies, received a 2024 President’s Award for Excellence in Leadership.

The award reflects a particularly busy and transformative year for Hill.

“In spring 2023, she undertook to train our newly hired young and inexperienced second administrative coordinator so that he could help her with the administrative work required to run a school that houses five undergraduate programs, three M.A. programs and numerous certificates and minors,” said Alpana Sharma, Ph.D., professor of English and chair of the School of Humanities and Cultural Studies.

“What’s more, she continues to shoulder most of the responsibility for this administrative work,” Sharma added.

In spring 2023, Hill also earned a Master of Education in Industrial Design and Learning Technology from Wright State. Referencing Hill’s master’s degree, Sharma said, “She is adept in classroom technology and instructional design, which is a big plus for us.”

Hill joined the school in the fall of 2022 at a critical time when the College of Liberal Arts reorganized its departments into three new schools. At that time, Hill was responsible for the administrative functions vacated by the history, religion, philosophy and classics administrative support coordinator.

The School of Humanities and Cultural Studies was in great flux and turbulence, making the transition challenging.

“Further exacerbating the situation was our move from Millett Hall to Allyn Hall in summer 2023. Tracey ended up doing much of the packing of the main office and was responsible for ensuring our move went as smoothly as it did,” Sharma said.

The past year was noteworthy for her in other respects.

Hill served on the College of Liberal Arts’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Committee and the search committee for the associate director of the Bolinga Black Cultural Resources Center.

“These voluntary activities demonstrate her dedication both to her professional growth and her desire to make a contribution to the university and the communities Wright State serves,” Sharma said.

Aside from her professional accomplishments, Hill gets high marks as a person.

“Always warm, friendly and outgoing, she makes an indelible impression on students and faculty alike. She gives her job all she’s got, and she puts people first,” Sharma said. “Besides this, she has proven to be adaptable, flexible and highly responsive. Faculty know when they write to her or come to her with their needs, she will give them top priority and full attention.”

In short, the sign of a good leader.

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