Author Archives: Richard Doty

In the Ring

Wright State graduate Brian Garry among world’s most famous boxing referees
photo of Brian Gary and Muhammad Ali

Brian Garry loves to talk about boxing. The Wright State graduate took interest in the sport as a youngster tagging along with his father to a union hall gym in Springfield, Ohio, in the 1950s. Little did he know then … Continue reading

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Nature’s Kidneys

Wetlands project between Wright State and the Air Force Institute of Technology

Scientists at Wright State University and the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) are conducting an experimental project at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) to demonstrate how wetlands can help clean up. Continue reading

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Gordie Wise: The Man at the Microphone

Four decades announcing Raider basketball games

“Welcome to another exciting night of Raider round ball.” Thousands of Wright State basketball followers have heard that greeting at the start of basketball games over the years, but most of those attending would be hard pressed to put a … Continue reading

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