Science & Mathematics

Museum to participate in Dayton Regional Science Festival

Jason Deibel

Excerpt Dr. Jason Deibel, an associate professor at Wright State University, is currently working with the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force’s Education Division while on sabbatical. He will lead four museum programs during the Dayton Regional Science Festival … Continue reading

Tom Hanks’ strong connection to Wright State University springs from his early acting days

Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks, co-chair of Wright State’s Rise.Shine. fundraising campaign, has a long-running love affair with the university. Continue reading

Emerald ash borer research

Biology professor Don Cipollini

Roundup of coverage of biology professor Don Cipollini’s emerald ash borer research. WYSO Public Radio: Emerald ash borer could have a new host A Wright State University researcher has found evidence that the emerald ash borer, a destructive invasive insect, … Continue reading

Wright State University announces $150 million fundraising campaign featuring Academy Award-winning actor Tom Hanks

Rise.Shine. The Campaign for Wright State University promises to expand scholarships, attract more top-flight faculty and support construction of state-of-the-art facilities. Continue reading

TEDxDayton2014 to have Wright State flavor

Five people with links to Wright State will be those speaking or performing at TEDxDayton2014 Oct. 17. Continue reading

Wright State researcher finds emerald ash borer may have spread to different tree

Biology professor Don Cipollini

Wright State biology professor Don Cipollini finds that the emerald ash borer has apparently spread to white fringetree in the United States. Continue reading

Study abroad myth buster

Annual fair, increased scholarship support aimed at opening eyes, doors for students

A growing effort by Wright State to increase both scholarship money for travel abroad and encounters with students who have already done it is under way. Continue reading

Camera calculus

Communication professor Elliot Gaines teaching water, wildlife video skills to science students
Elliot Gaines underwater

Wright State communication professor Elliot Gaines works to equip science students with the skills to effectively communicate science to the public. Continue reading

Mars mission science team includes Wright State professor, OhioLINK patron

Concept illustration of the MAVEN spacecraft near Mars

Excerpt Wright State University Research Professor Jane L. Fox, Ph.D., is waiting eagerly for MAVEN—short for Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN—to swing gently into the orbit of Mars. A faculty member since 1995, Fox has been studying planetary atmospheres since … Continue reading

Student Health Services ready to help with seasonal illnesses

We’ve all seen and read the stories. Flu season is just around the corner; the mumps has returned to Ohio, a respiratory virus is hitting the Midwest hard, national coverage on Ebola has been non-stop. Continue reading