Around Campus

Wright State students, employees to celebrate the life, legacy and contributions of Martin Luther King Jr.

Photo of Dr. Martin Luther King

A campus freedom march and a public reading will highlight Wright State University’s 2024 celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Continue reading

‘Tis the season

Wright State community working together to transform the university for the holidays

If you take a walk around the Dayton Campus, you will find colorful lights, beautiful plants and a lot of laughter and smiles. Continue reading

Wright State’s fall 2023 commencement ceremonies in photos

Wright State University’s summer and fall classes of 2023 celebrated commencement during ceremonies on Dec. 15 and 16 in the Wright State Nutter Center. Continue reading

More than 900 students graduate at Wright State’s fall commencement ceremonies

Wright State University honored 936 graduating students during its fall commencement ceremonies in the Wright State Nutter Center Dec. 15 and 16. Continue reading

A fantastic day

Wright State’s Raider Food Pantry receives its largest donation of the year

Wright State’s Police Department donated almost $2,000 worth of nonperishable goods after completing its No-Shave November fundraiser. Continue reading

More than 900 students to graduate at Wright State’s fall commencement ceremonies

Wright State University will hold commencement ceremonies in the Nutter Center on Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. for graduate students and Dec. 16 at 10 a.m. for undergraduate students. Continue reading

Building community

Wright State staff member Callista Hess was recognized for her lifelong philanthropy work

Wright State staff member Calista Hess received the Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy Award from the Association of Fundraising Professionals of Greater Dayton. Continue reading

#YouAreWelcomeHere Scholarship brings international students to study at Wright State

The #YouAreWelcomeHere Scholarship helps international students pursue undergraduate degrees at Wright State. Continue reading

Healthy home

Wright State University nursing students receive hands-on training during home care lab

Wright State nursing students learn critical skills needed to care for patients at home during a unique lab experience. Continue reading

Boonshoft School of Medicine students organize wellness clinics for local Latino community

Medical students in the Wright State Latino Medical Student Association are staffing wellness clinics for area Latino communities. Continue reading