Inclusive Excellence

Wright State employee advocate recognized with top 2015 SCLC award

Wright State University’s Hazel Rountree was awarded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award. Continue reading

Wright State to host conference tackling education diversity

Sonia Nazario

Excerpt Wright State University will host a conference late this month focused on education diversity, a growing concern among institutions around the country. The Multicultural Millennium Conference will address social justice issues, diversity and have a special emphasis on how … Continue reading

Wright State 2014 Holiday Gift Program most successful ever

Forty-five families, including 97 children, were adopted for the holidays through the university’s Holiday Gift Program. Continue reading

TV star, transgender advocate Laverne Cox to give Presidential Lecture

Laverne Cox

“Orange Is the New Black” star Laverne Cox will discuss “Ain’t I a Woman: My Journey to Womanhood” as part of the Presidential Lecture Series on Dec. 2. Continue reading

International Education Week at Wright State to kick off Monday

Headlined by a visit from Selingo and his seminar, “A World Unbound: The Changing Nature of Higher Education and Internationalization,” the week’s events promote the benefits of global education. Continue reading

Wright State’s Black Student Union to host Jamboree Week

Over the coming week, Wright State University’s Black Student Union will host its annual Jamboree Week, which is jam-packed with events to get students active and involved on campus. Continue reading

Making connections: Wright State to host Amigos Latinos Business Summit and Job Fair

Tony Ortiz

Whether they be for students, small business owners or the corporate world, Tony Ortiz’s latest endeavor is based on connecting people to each other and the resources they need that will help build our community. Continue reading