From left: Stephanie Goodwin, Denise McCrory and Robin Selzer with Leadership Awards from the ACE Ohio Women’s Network. (Contributed photo)
The ACE Ohio Women’s Network, a professional development group that supports female administrators, faculty and staff from colleges and universities, presented a Leadership Award to Stephanie Goodwin, director for faculty development and leadership at Wright State University.
The award, which was presented to Goodwin on Nov. 4 in Columbus, Ohio, will enable her to attend the American Council of Education’s national leadership meeting in Washington, D.C., next March. The meeting brings together over 2,000 leaders in higher education each year for collaborative discussions and networking to address the most pressing issues facing higher education institutions today.
As director for faculty development and leadership, Goodwin is responsible for assessing, developing and implementing campus-wide faculty development/leadership initiatives. Her recent efforts have focused on broadening discussions of best practices that support faculty mentoring and leadership development.
“We’ve made great strides on our campus in recent years when it comes to support for faculty development and leadership,” said Goodwin. “Attending the ACE annual meeting will afford me with more tools to support the continued success of these efforts in the coming year.”
Goodwin is a research assistant professor in the Department of Psychology, where she conducts research on social biases such as stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination.
Prior to her current role, Goodwin served at Wright State as program director for the LEADER Consortium, a multi-institutional National Science Foundation effort to promote faculty equity and success in STEM disciplines. She remains engaged in support of equity in STEM through her role as an executive adviser to other ADVANCE institutions, including the University of Cincinnati and Florida International University. She is frequently invited to share her leadership expertise with faculty and leaders at other institutions, most recently at the University of Michigan and the University of Maryland.
In June 2015, Goodwin was selected to participate in the Higher Education Resource Services (HERS) Summer Institute, a preeminent leadership development program that prepares women to become high-ranking decision-makers in higher education.
Goodwin earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Texas at Austin and her master’s and Ph.D. in social and personality psychology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. She completed postdoctoral training in implicit social cognition at Yale University.
In 2008, Goodwin was elected Fellow of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, an international professional organization that recognizes excellence in scientific contributions to social psychology.