From the series Faculty Awards for Excellence 2022–2023

2022–2023 Presidential Award for Outstanding NTE Faculty: Teaching

Dan Noel

Dan Noel

Well-respected as a gifted, caring and effective teacher by his peers, Dan Noel, Ph.D., is also a standout student favorite.

Noel, a senior lecturer of leadership studies in education in Wright State University’s College of Health, Education and Human Services, is the 2022–2023 recipient of the Presidential Award for Outstanding Non-Tenure Eligible (NTE) Faculty: Teaching.

“Educators who genuinely connect and form a bond of trust with their learners make the most significant impact,” said Wright State student Lisbeth Jones. “Those instructors can deliver a memorable learning experience where students retain information and enjoy learning. Dr. Noel is just one of those educators. He is open, expressive, fair, organized and resourceful, and he employs learning platforms that engage students. Dr. Noel is precisely the kind of teacher students hope for and remember fondly for years.”

Since 2012, Noel has served as the director of community-based learning, which to date, has coordinated nearly 1,000 student service-learning placements, volunteering over 22,000 hours with local community agencies.

Noel was also responsible for securing a Student Success Grant, which he used to develop and manage the Wright Leader podcast series. The series highlights leadership and Wright State alumni and has been integrated into the organizational leadership curriculum.

Noel has continually offered to serve on department college, and university committees regarding curriculum, teaching and learning, policies, faculty affairs, technology and student scholarships.

He received the 2020 Excellence in Teaching Award from the former College of Education and Human Services and the 2013 University Excellence in Teaching Award – Writing Across the Curriculum.

“Dan steps up to the plate, and in fact, takes on more than his fair share of assignments,” said Mindy S. McNutt, Ph.D., associate professor and associate chair of the Department of Leadership Studies in Education and Organizations. “I couldn’t ask for a nicer, more down-to-earth colleague. On a personal level, he is kind, caring and helpful to any colleague or student in need. Students adore him and often remark how helpful ‘Dr. Dan’ has been to them. I have never met an individual more worthy of receiving this award.”

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