Author Archives: Seth Bauguess

About Seth Bauguess

Born in Lexington, KY and raised in Cincinnati, OH Seth Bauguess graduated from the University's of Cincinnati's College Conservatory of Music in 2001 with a BA in electronic media. In 2013 he earned his MBA from Wright State University's Raj Soin College of Business. Currently Wright State's director of Communications, Bauguess has worked in public relations at Wright State since 2010. Before joining the university, Bauguess worked for ten years as a general assignment television news reporter at WKEF and WRGT in Dayton, OH, WMGT in Macon, GA and WKAG in Hopkinsville, KY. story: Why these Wright State graduates are getting noticed abroad

Excerpt If you’re heading to New York City, it’s no secret that Wright State University’s Theatre Department is well-represented. In fact, Law Terrell Dunford (Javert in 2014’s “Les Misérables”) is in the ensemble of Broadway’s hit musical “Waitress” and Jon … Continue reading

Posted in Wright State in the News |

Fairborn Daily Herald story: 1,900 earn degrees from Wright State

Excerpt Led by Wright State University’s seventh President Cheryl B. Schrader for the first time, students, families, faculty and staff celebrated the commencement of nearly 1,900 students at the university’s fall graduation ceremony Dec. 16 at the Wright State Nutter … Continue reading

Posted in Wright State in the News |

Xenia Gazette story: New major offered at WSU NEWS

Excerpt A few months ago, Wright State’s Raj Soin College of Business approved an entrepreneurship minor. Now, following in its tracks, an entrepreneurship major will be available. The major includes some classes similar to the minor, but also offers additional … Continue reading

Posted in Wright State in the News |

Nearly 1,900 students graduate at Wright State University’s 2017 fall commencement

Led by Wright State’s seventh President Cheryl B. Schrader for the first time, students, families, faculty and staff celebrated the commencement of nearly 1,900 students at the fall graduation ceremony Dec. 16. Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Alumni, Alumni Association, Around Campus, Bolinga Black Cultural Resources Center, Business, Disability Services, Engineering & Computer Science, Enrollment Management, Faculty & Staff, Graduate, Health and Exercise Sciences, Health, Education, & Human Services, Home news sidebar, Honors Program, Inclusive Excellence, Lake Campus, Latino Center, Liberal Arts, News, Residence Life & Housing, Science & Mathematics, Undergraduate, University Center for International Education, Women's Center |

McKinney story: The Veterans’ Voices mentoring project heals through shared experiences

Excerpt Men and women of all ages sat in a nondescript conference room, watching intently as two men talked to each other as if no one else was there. The video camera between them yielded the only clue: This was … Continue reading

Posted in Wright State in the News |

Xenia Gazette story: Nursing professor completes fellowship

Excerpt In her native Tanzania, she was among the first college graduates in nursing. And now, Rosemary Eustace, an associate professor of nursing at Wright State University, is heavily involved in educating nursing students. Most recently, Eustace completed a prestigious … Continue reading

Posted in Wright State in the News |

DBJ story: Dayton-area college to offer entrepreneurship major

Excerpt Students at Wright State University will soon be able to major in entrepreneurship. The Raj Soin College of Business will begin offering an entrepreneurship major, just a few months after an entrepreneurship minor was approved by the university. Students will be … Continue reading

Posted in Wright State in the News |

Xenia Daily Gazette story: Study reveals WSU economic impact

Excerpt Wright State University has more than a $1 billion annual economic impact on the region and supports over 14,000 jobs, significantly growing its financial clout from five years earlier, according to a new study. The study was conducted by … Continue reading

Posted in Wright State in the News |

DDN story: Higher education’s annual impact in southwest Ohio: $7.3 billion

Excerpt Southwest Ohio’s colleges had a nearly $7.3 billion impact on the region in 2016, even as some have struggled to stay afloat in the hyper competitive industry of higher education. The Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education has released … Continue reading

Posted in Wright State in the News |

DBJ story: SOCHE membership schools, Wright State impact local economy with billions of dollars

Wright State University, one of SOCHE’s member institutions, individually had an economic impact of more than $1 billion in the 2016 fiscal year, roughly 15 percent of the total impact. Continue reading

Posted in Wright State in the News |