Lake Campus

Fun, educational events planned at Wright State’s Dayton and Lake campuses for solar eclipse

While Wright State University will be open and classes will take place as usual on April 8, plenty of fun and educational events are planned on the Dayton and Lake campuses. Continue reading

Let’s get Lowdy

Wright State Lake Campus unveils new Hoedag mascot with a catchy name

Lake Campus administrators had a lot of fun as Lowdy Laker was introduced to students, faculty and staff during a Happy Mascot Naming Day event. Continue reading

Wright State honors outstanding faculty at inaugural research awards event

Wright State faculty were honored with the Outstanding Scholarly and Creative Activities Awards and the Public Impact Recognition Awards. Continue reading

Champion for commuters

Wright State photography major Selvin Bacon-Velasquez advocates for commuter students through the Commuter Student Association and the Student Government. Continue reading

A love for literacy

Teacher and Wright State graduate Laura Simons instills a love of reading in her students

The Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers honored Laura Simons for the thesis she produced as a graduate student in the Master of Education in Literacy Program at Wright State. Continue reading

Wright State’s fall 2023 commencement ceremonies in photos

Wright State University’s summer and fall classes of 2023 celebrated commencement during ceremonies on Dec. 15 and 16 in the Wright State Nutter Center. Continue reading

More than 900 students graduate at Wright State’s fall commencement ceremonies

Wright State University honored 936 graduating students during its fall commencement ceremonies in the Wright State Nutter Center Dec. 15 and 16. Continue reading

More than 900 students to graduate at Wright State’s fall commencement ceremonies

Wright State University will hold commencement ceremonies in the Nutter Center on Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. for graduate students and Dec. 16 at 10 a.m. for undergraduate students. Continue reading

Wright State University Foundation accepting applications for Students First Fund grants

Program supports student success initiatives at the Dayton and Lake campuses

All students, faculty and staff with a creative concept to promote student success are welcome to apply for a Students First Fund grant by Feb. 23, 2024. Continue reading

Aerial application

Wright State Lake alumnus helps farmers turn a higher yield from high in the sky

Wright State Lake Campus alumnus Andy Albers helps local farmers produce healthy crops with his drone business. Continue reading