International Students

Students helping students

Tutoring program benefits both LEAP students and domestic students in the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Program. Continue reading

Searching for his own sound

Wright State piano student David Chi Tou Lao wins international competition in Singapore

He once gave up piano. Now Wright State sophomore David Chi Tou Lao is determined to make a name for himself as a pianist. Continue reading

Free kick

The University Center for International Education has hosted a live stream of the FIFA World Cup. Continue reading

Connections through conversation

UCIE’s Conversation Club unites international students with American students to encourage learning. Continue reading

UCIE helps international students explore Dayton

The excursions teach international students about local events, as well as getting them involved in Dayton area activities. Continue reading

Amigos Latinos to celebrate diversity at Wright State

Scheduled for April 6 in the Wright State Nutter Center, the Amigos Latinos Gala will raise scholarships for the university’s Latino students. Continue reading

Annual festival celebrates international Raider pride

Students, faculty and staff can travel around the world without leaving the Student Union at the Wright State International Festival on Match 24. Continue reading

Pronunciation practice

International Wright State students and community members learn to improve their pronunciation skills through new class offered by the LEAP Intensive English Program

The goal of Pronunciation Improvement is to teach non-native English speakers difficult aspects of English Continue reading

Drawing power

Love of sketching cars propelled Wright State alum Sagar Sangle into world of mechanical engineering

Sagar Sangle uses his art skills and his master’s degree in mechanical engineering while teaching middle school students about design for 3D printing, manufacturing design and robotics. Continue reading

Going for it all

Wright State exchange student Milica Knezevic conquers scuba diving, skydiving, rugby despite disability

Engineering student Milica Knezevic chronicles her sporting adventures through her popular YouTube channel. Continue reading