Around Campus

Wright State STEMM Experience to feature hands-on research activities for high school students

High school students can explore Wright State’s research labs and learn about the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine during the STEMM Experience on Nov. 18. Continue reading

Wright State physiology and neuroscience students excel in NIH internship program

Wright State honors students Adeline Nshuti and Kelia McMichael presented their kidney-related research at a National Institutes of Health conference. Continue reading

Smash hit

Dayton Table Tennis Club calls Wright State University home

For almost 100 years, the Dayton Table Tennis Club has been the home for amateur and professional table tennis players, and since February, club members have competed against each other weekly at Wright State University. Continue reading

Wright State’s fall Employer Speaker Series concludes with visit from Nordson

Students from all majors can connect with representatives from Nordson on Nov. 2 and learn about employment and internship opportunities. Continue reading

International Education Week celebrates a world of culture at Wright State

Wright State will celebrate International Education Week, Oct. 30 to Nov. 3, with a series of events, talks, celebrations and a special recognition of Michelle Cipriano, senior lecturer of Spanish. Continue reading

Wright State motion picture graduates win Best Ohio Short at Cindependent Film Fest

Wright State motion picture graduates Ben Evory and Hannah Blair created the web series “Sheltered” with the help of numerous Wright State alumni. Continue reading

Hundreds of families come to Wright State for mass food distribution by The Foodbank

The Foodbank organized a mass food distribution at the Wright State University Nutter Center. Continue reading

Wright State’s Celebration of Research to showcase student projects

Wright State University’s Celebration of Undergraduate and Graduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities takes place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Oct. 26. Continue reading

Learn more about Wright State graduate programs at Nov. 2 open house

Future graduate students can learn more about Wright State University’s certificate, master’s and doctoral programs during the Graduate Programs Open House Nov. 2. Continue reading

Hundreds turn out for Career Fair Fall 2023

Students and alumni were able to connect with 56 employers seeking candidates to fill roles in their organizations during Wright State’s fall Career Fair Continue reading