
Hoop dreams

Wright State basketball camp teaches young players new skills while hoping to inspire them on their athletic journey

The men’s basketball team hosted 100 grade-school kids for two weeks of fundamentals and fun at the Wright State Basketball Day Camps. Continue reading

Exhibiting support

Wright State alumna Dana L. Wiley hopes an exhibition will help students bridge the gap from graduation to careers in the arts

A talented group of 17 Wright State students and alumni is showcasing their artwork at the Dana L. Wiley Gallery in the “Bridge EDU: Support, Connect” exhibition. Continue reading

Staying focused

Wright State University communication studies major’s love for photography is her business

For Bethany Althauser, communications studies major at Wright State, a great photograph is one that captures good composition and genuine emotion in a single picture. Continue reading

Feelings in motion

The Wright State University Dance Program hosted dozens of emerging choreographers and dancers from around the country during a unique 12-day day festival. Continue reading

Raiders for life

Wright State graduates continue a family legacy of providing sweet treats to customers

Wright State alumni Kathy and Gregg Klein opened Tom & Dot’s Gelato Shop as a tribute to Kathy’s grandparents. Continue reading

Let’s roll

Wright State faculty member Megan Faragher finds connections between the classroom and roller derby rink

Megan Faragher, an associate professor of English at Wright State’s Lake Campus, is co-captain of the nationally ranked Gem City Roller Derby team. Continue reading

Against the wind

Over 40 high school students from around the country learned about aviation, health care and engineering at Air Camp at Wright State University. Continue reading

Pocket pair

Wright State University staff use a card game to stay healthy and connected

Wright State staff members laced up their tennis shoes and walked over a mile in the Poker Pit Stop 2023. Continue reading

Deep roots

Wright State alumna Brooke Solomito provides Madison Township residents with food they love and service they crave

Brooke Solomito uses skills she learned as an organizational leadership student at Wright State to run a successful hot dog stand in Butler County. Continue reading

Get connected

Wright State University hosts multi-dimensional event to support veterans

Military veterans and their families connected with Dayton area employers and service organizations at the Vets Moving Forward event at Wright State University Continue reading