Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie has been published in the Crab Orchard Review, BOMB, Paris/Atlantic, Go, Tell Michelle (SUNY), Listen Up! (One World Ballantine) and Revenge and Forgiveness (Henry Holt). Additionally, Tallie’s work has been the subject of a short film, I Leave My Colors Everywhere.
Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie, renowned poet and performer, is coming to Wright State for a public reading.
The event is to take place Thursday, March 28, in the Millett Hall Atrium at 2 p.m.
At 10 a.m. Tallie will host a poetry writing workshop for faculty, staff and students. Spaces are still available in the workshop, but participants must pre-register.
Tallie has been a featured speaker at universities, festivals and events throughout Europe and North America. Her work has been published in the Crab Orchard Review, BOMB, Paris/Atlantic, Go, Tell Michelle (SUNY), Listen Up! (One World Ballantine) and Revenge and Forgiveness (Henry Holt). Additionally, Tallie’s work has been the subject of a short film, I Leave My Colors Everywhere.
In addition to being a writer, Tallie is a budding herbalist and regularly organizes herbal workshops in New York City. After the births of her two children, she was inspired to focus on the gifts that plant medicines have to offer. Also an educator, Tallie currently teaches English at York College in New York City.
“Her work deals with issues of silence, sexism and racism in critical and creative ways,” said Kelli D. Zaytoun, associate professor of English.
Tallie’s visit is sponsored by the Department of English Language and Literature, Women’s Center, Women’s Studies Program, Bolinga Black Cultural Resources Center and African American Studies Program.
“We invited Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie to visit because her work brings together the ways in which the goals of Black History Month (February), Women’s History Month (March) and Poetry Month (April) intersect,” said Zaytoun.
“Her poetry is moving, motivational and educative,” she said.
For further information on Tallie, visit her website at http://ekeretallie.wordpress.com.
To register for the writing workshop or for more information on the public reading event, contact Kelli Zaytoun at kelli.zaytoun@wright.edu or (937) 775-4525.