
Wright Leader Academy to kick off with new cohort of emerging university leaders

The Wright Leader Academy is designed to help faculty and administrators grow their leadership skills, enhance their internal networks and advance the mission, vision and values of Wright State. Continue reading

Wright State professor Sherry Farra selected for prestigious award from American Association of Colleges of Nursing

The award recognizes faculty members who systematically investigates questions related to student learning and the conditions under which it occurs to improve outcomes. Continue reading

Wright State researchers using NIH award to battle viral respiratory infections

Kate Excoffon, professor of biology in the College of Science and Mathematics, received a $1.8 million grant to research an anti-viral therapy to combat respiratory infections. Continue reading

Wright State biologist Yvonne Vadeboncoeur awarded Fulbright scholarship

Yvonne Vadeboncoeur will collaborate with New Zealand scientists to study harmful algae that grow on submerged rocks in New Zealand rivers as a Fulbright Scholar. Continue reading

College of Nursing and Health creates training program for nurses in Malawi

The Wholehearted Resources In Global Health Teamwork, or WRIGHT, project aims to share knowledge and skills with Kaseye Community Hospital health care workers to improve patient care. Continue reading

Trauma care

Wright State engineering professor Pratik Parikh to lead research designed to optimize locations of hospital trauma centers

Reshaping the network of hospital trauma centers to increase their effectiveness in saving lives and better utilize resources is the goal of research led by Wright State. Continue reading

Prairie premiere

Restored prairie at Wright State serves as wildlife magnet, research lab and scenic wonder

Students and faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences turned land off University Drive between the Nutter Center parking and Mini University into a prairie. Continue reading

Checking in

Wright State’s Stuart McDowell pays a visit to Tom Hanks, reminisces about 2016 campus visit

Stuart McDowell, artistic director of the Department of Theatre, Dance and Motion Pictures Tom Hanks for his book on the Riverside Shakespeare Company. Continue reading

Shakespeare production featured plenty of Wright State talent

The Human Race Theatre’s production of “The Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged) [Revised]” featured Wright State talent behind the scenes and on the stage. Continue reading

Fit for Florence

Wright State art historian Caroline Hillard wins prestigious Harvard fellowship to write a book on the Renaissance

Caroline Hillard, associate professor of art and art history, will spend a year in Florence, Italy, researching the Etruscan influence on the Renaissance. Continue reading