Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Industry Open House at College of Engineering and Computer Science expected to draw employers

Joshi Research Center facade

The College of Engineering and Computer Science will host a recruiting event and dedicate its Brandeberry Career Development Center during an open house Oct. 3. Continue reading

Faculty recognized for excellence in classroom, research

Wright State honors faculty for excellent work in the classroom, research, community engagement, professional service and early career achievement. Continue reading

STEM City: Home to future scientists, engineers and mathematicians

STEM City personnel

New residential learning community geared toward serving students in the Colleges of Science and Mathematics and Engineering and Computer Science. Continue reading

Wright State alumnus honored by White House for research

Onome Scott-Emuakpor

Onome Scott-Emuakpor, a Wright State alumnus and Air Force Research Laboratory engineer, receives Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. Continue reading

Sparks—and parts—fly during battle bots event at Nutter Center

Wright State Lake Campus Robotics Club

Teams of high school and college students battled one another with remote-controlled robots during the Xtreme BOTS Competition Fall 2013 in the Wright State Nutter Center. Continue reading

Power Play—Student researcher pursuing long-lasting battery

Game Boys were fun. The handheld devices offered baseball, Tetris, Super Mario and other Nintendo video games. But the batteries died quickly… Continue reading

George Huang, Ph.D., honored for international excellence

Photo of George Huang receiving his award

George Huang, Ph.D., is this year’s recipient of the university’s International Education Award. Continue reading

Wright State researchers working on watershed moment in water purification

Photo of Sharmila Mukhopadhyay

Polluted streams, rivers, lakes and municipal water may soon be getting the Wright State treatment… Continue reading

Wright State engineering program celebrates first 100 Ph.D. graduates

Photo of College of Engineering and Computer Science Dean S. Narayanan and recent Ph.D. graduates.

Whether they’re developing more effective UAVs for the battlefield or better underwater vehicles for exploration… Continue reading

Robot lawn mower team places third

Photo of a Wright State student remotely driving a robotic lawn mower.

Wright State University’s robotic lawn mowing team placed in the top three… Continue reading