Career Services

Inside the White House 2

A blog by Wright State student Spencer Brannon

Part of the series: Inside the White House

This is the second in a series of articles describing Wright State student Spencer Brannon’s experiences as an intern for the Executive Office of the President at the White House. In any big city, there’s always a lot going on. … Continue reading

Inside the White House 1

A blog by Wright State student Spencer Brannon

Part of the series: Inside the White House

I think that for a lot of people, going through the gate on Pennsylvania Avenue is when the significance of their work first hits them. Continue reading

Wright State students present wage gap project at National Conference for College Women Student Leaders

Two Wright State University students whose project aimed at closing the wage gap for women presented their work at the National Conference for College Women Student… Continue reading

Female students, professionals to collaborate in $tart $mart workshop

Blog ranks Wright State in top 5 for educating women about salary negotiating

Most young women graduating from Wright State University hope that their college degree will earn them a good salary. Continue reading

Business attire donation drive and fashion show to demonstrate how to dress for success

It’s no secret that in the professional world, you have to dress to impress. We Serve U, a staff and faculty community service group, is teaming up with Career Services and Clothes That Work… Continue reading

Recruiting Raiders: Job fair will draw employers, students and alumni

Defense and construction contractors, a college consortium, a computer cabling manufacturer and agencies that help children and families will be among employers sifting for future employees… Continue reading

Goal of upcoming women’s leadership seminar: crack the glass ceiling

The quest for equal pay and leadership opportunities for women in the workplace will be the focus of a leadership seminar designed for women at Wright State. Continue reading

Raider recruitment: two-day job fair gives students and alumni employment opportunities

Photo form 2010 recruiting days.

Recruiting Day Events Series will kick off Sept. 18 for Fall 2012. Continue reading

College of Engineering and Computer Science, AFRL launch assistantship program

NEWS RELEASE May 11, 2012 The Wright State University College of Engineering and Computer Science has created 30 scholarships and internships for Ohio undergraduate students that also provide a guaranteed internship with a regional employer, the university announced Friday, May … Continue reading

Willing and able: Wright State’s Zach Holler

Photo of Wright State student Zach Holler.

He carries a 3.78 grade point average while holding a part-time job. He interned with a federal disabilities agency in Washington, D.C., conducting research… Continue reading