Inclusive Excellence

April is Asian Heritage Month; celebrate with the AHNA Center

April brings the cherry blossoms to Japan and Asian Heritage Month to America. Wright State University’s Asian/Hispanic/Native American Center is celebrating… Continue reading

Women’s Center and Women’s Studies sponsor scholar-in-residence

Photo of Jennifer McWeeny, Ph.D.

Wright State students in the women’s studies program will be getting a visitor to their lectures this week, and the general public will be treated… Continue reading

Symposium keynote speaker to discuss sexual violence

Photo of a "slutwalk"

The keynote lecture of the 2012 Race, Class, Gender, Sexuality Symposium will address the racial implications of the SlutWalks movement. Continue reading

Wright State’s Tony Ortiz appointed to Ohio Commission on Hispanic/Latino Affairs

Headshot of Tony Ortiz

Gov. John Kasich has appointed Tony Ortiz, Latino community liaison for Wright State University, to the Ohio Commission on Hispanic/Latino Affairs. Continue reading

Paul Laurence Dunbar, Black History Month celebrated all month at Wright State

Photo of Paul Laurence Dunbar

Wright State University is celebrating Black History Month and the life and accomplishments of famed poet Paul Laurence Dunbar with several organized events in February. Continue reading

Raiders ready to ring in the Year of the Dragon

Photo of three students dressed in Asian garb on stage giving the report of the year for the World, the U.S. and Wright State.

In many Asian cultures, the dragon is a symbol of success, royalty, happiness and good luck. In China, the dragon represents the emperor and the country itself. Continue reading

Wright State officials meet with Governor Kasich on Latino issues

Headshot of Tony Ortiz

A statewide meeting convened by Gov. John Kasich and his wife, Karen, to discuss issues affecting the state’s Latino community included two Wright State University officials. Continue reading

Wright State’s Bolinga Center to host ABCC Conference

The Bolinga Center is hosting the 21st Annual National Conference for the Association for Black Culture Centers (ABCC) Oct. 27–30 in the Wright State Student Union. Continue reading

Multicultural Halloween celebrates fall fun around the world

Photo of students dressed as the Cat in the Hat and as a penguin at the 2010 Multicultural Halloween.

When Americans think of October, they think of jack-o’-lanterns, candy corn and witches. Continue reading

Hip-hop journalist, activist Bakari Kitwana to speak at Wright State

On Wednesday, May 4, at 4 p.m. at the Millett Hall Atrium, the Wright State University community will have a unique opportunity to meet Bakari Kitwana… Continue reading