Humanities and Cultural Studies

Photo effect

Image from Dunbar Library archives inspires Wright State’s Gino Pasi to make a movie
Gino Pasi in the archives

An image from Special Collections and Archives inspires Wright State archivist Gino Pasi to make a movie. Continue reading

Aha moments

Philosophy professor William Irvine authors book on world-changing insights
William Irvine holding his book

Latest book by Wright State philosophy professor William Irvine examines moments of insight that shape the world. Continue reading

New minor focuses on Middle Eastern and Islamic studies

Awad Halabi in front of bookshelf

Minor in Middle Eastern and Islamic studies gives students a foundation in the history, language, religion, sociology and politics of the Middle East, from the seventh century to present day. Continue reading

Tobacco road

Wright State’s Drew Swanson pens award-winning book based on his environmental journey
Drew Swanson in office

New book by Drew Swanson, an assistant history professor at Wright State, was named the year’s best book on agricultural history by the Agricultural History Society.
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Newspapers published by Wright brothers now available in online archive

Wright State’s Special Collections and Archives and the Dayton Metro Library partner to create a searchable online archive of the most complete run of Wright brothers newspapers available to date. Continue reading

Poetic license

Wright State’s James Guthrie taking over as editor of prestigious journal on Emily Dickinson
James Guthrie holding the Emily Dickinson Journal

Wright State English professor James Guthrie will assume the editorship of the Emily Dickinson Journal, the only publication devoted to her writing. Continue reading

Courses at Wright State push the academic envelope

Students on airplane

Courses offered at Wright State give students a chance to indulge in a mind-expanding, creative exploration across various fields of study. Continue reading

War and peace

Wright State English professor Andrew Strombeck teaches a course on conflict and peace in literature
Andrew Strombeck in his office

Wright State English professor Andrew Strombeck uses works from Dayton Literary Peace Prize winners in a course how literature addresses conflict and promotes peace. Continue reading

Wright State’s LEAP Intensive English Program earns highest accreditation

LEAP students

The LEAP Intensive English program, which provides international students with the language skills to be successful, has received the highest level of accreditation from the nation’s accrediting agency. Continue reading

The Wright brothers and the conquest of flight

Photo of Wilbur and Orville Wright.

Excerpt “They had this passion, this mission; they were obsessed to succeed,” said historian David McCullough. But though their plane is proudly displayed at the Smithsonian’s Air and Space Museum in Washington, historian David McCullough still believes the Wright Brothers … Continue reading