Science & Mathematics

Excellence in Leadership (Unclassified)

Nick Christian

Part of the series: President's Awards for Excellence 2020

Nick Christian took the reins on several highly impactful events organized by the College of Science and Mathematics, making a lasting impression on students, faculty and staff alike. Continue reading

Wright State women leaders honored for promoting gender equity

The Wright State Women’s Center honored Debra Radford, Kathy Engisch and Lynn Hartzler with Gender Equity Awards. Continue reading

Amy Thompson of University of Toledo named provost at Wright State

Amy Thompson is the senior vice provost of academic affairs and acting dean of the College of Graduate Studies at the University of Toledo. Continue reading

Seven Wright State students honored with Best Peer Mentor awards

Wright State students were honored for the vital help and support they provide classmates during the inaugural Peer Mentorship Award Ceremony. Continue reading

Wright State awarded over $1.2M in Choose Ohio First scholarship money for students in STEMM

Choose Ohio First scholars work with career and academic advisers from their first year of enrollment through graduation. Continue reading

Touching tribute

An estate gift creates an endowment honoring the late Wright State professor Larry Kurdek

An estate gift from his twin brother, Leonard, will allow the Dr. Larry Kurdek Endowed Scholarship to continue for perpetuity. Continue reading

Jump start

Wright State ROTC cadet Caleb Matos sets his sights on becoming an Army Ranger

Parachuting out of airplanes is what did it. Although he admitted having the jitters before his first jump, the experience cemented psychology major Caleb Matos’ desire to become a U.S. Army Ranger. Continue reading

Wright State shines in U.S. News graduate school rankings

U.S. News & World Report recognized Wright State’s graduate programs in medicine, engineering, computer science, public health, biology, psychology, social work, public administration and business. Continue reading

Carmichael Lecture in Environmental Sciences to highlight state of bee health

Entomologist Christina Grozinger will lecture on “Predicting and Managing Bee Health in a Changing World” on April 7. Continue reading

Wright State offering virtual student exchange courses with Kenya, Tanzania and Poland

The program will include a virtual global health course, a drug and behavior course, and an international business and marketing course. Continue reading