Science & Mathematics

Gene queen

Wright State’s Madhavi Kadakia using her genomics skills to battle cancer
Madhavi Kadakia in lab

Wright State biochemistry and molecular biology professor Madhavi Kadakia uses a high-tech sequencer and her expertise in genetics to diagnose and treat cancer. Continue reading

Flatworm flair

Wright State’s Labib Rouhana using planarians to explore the mystery of infertility
Labib Rouhana

Assistant biology professor Labib Rouhana studies planarian flatworms to try to solve the puzzle of human infertility. Continue reading

Audio—Ecologists take on tiny green beetles that infest ash trees

Biology professor Don Cipollini

The emerald ash borer is spreading across the U.S. and destroying ash trees. The pests usually only bothered ash trees, but an Ohio scientist has made a distressing discovery. Listen to the report from National Public Radio.

Wright State 2014 Holiday Gift Program most successful ever

Forty-five families, including 97 children, were adopted for the holidays through the university’s Holiday Gift Program. Continue reading

Physics phenom

High school student excels in Wright State's sensors physics research lab
Shivam Sarodia at computer

Centerville high school student is excelling in math and physics classes and in the sensors physics research lab at Wright State. Continue reading

HAPI lab: Wright State to offer unique anatomy lab experience to high school students

The Department of Neuroscience, Cell Biology and Physiology will offer an anatomy and physiology lab for high school students starting in January. Continue reading

Fall Commencement in photos

Graduates with diplomas

Wright State honored nearly 1,200 graduating students at its Fall 2014 Commencement ceremony Dec. 13 in the Nutter Center. Continue reading

Class of 2014 celebrates Fall Commencement

The Wright State University Nutter Center was packed with a raucous crowd Saturday, though it was not for an athletic endeavor. It was for Fall Commencement. Continue reading

Duck deductions

Researchers’ genetic work on ducks lands in prestigious scientific journal
Jeffrey Peters and Philip Lavretsky

Research by Wright State biologists on the genetic makeup of ducks was published and highlighted in a prestigious scientific journal. Continue reading