Science & Mathematics

Wright State launches new Graduate School scholarship program for Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

Wright State creates scholarship fund for military personnel and civilian workers at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base who want to pursue graduate degrees. Continue reading

Soil toil: Wright State grad student Behzad Ghanbarian rising star in terra-firma research

Wright State grad student Behzad Ghanbarian

Environmental sciences Ph.D. student Behzad Ghanbarian is a prolific scholar, publishing many papers on soil-related research. Continue reading

Programs offer second chance at a different career

Jun Kyung Ko

Excerpt The health care and social assistance sectors are expected to grow at an annual rate of 2.6 percent, adding 5 million jobs between 2012 and 2022, the BLS reported. “I think a lot of people are going into health … Continue reading

Wright State, others vow to continue advancement of women faculty in STEM disciplines

Wright State and three other institutions of higher learning pledged to continue recruiting more women to tenure-track faculty positions in STEM disciplines. Continue reading

Efforts to enhance success of female STEMM faculty and students picking up steam

Kathrin Engisch, associate dean for undergraduate education and outreach

The Women in Science Giving Circle provides support of female students and faculty members in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medical disciplines. Continue reading

For dear life

Student Employee of the Year applies valuable on-the-job lesson
Ben Clouse

Ben Clouse was named Student Employee of the Year for his work in the emergency medicine department, where he gained practical skills like CPR. Continue reading

On speaking terms

Conversation Partners matches Wright State retirees with international students

New Wright State program Conversation Partners matches retirees with international students who want to improve their English. Continue reading

Winning numbers: Harry Khamis named American Statistical Association Fellow

Harry Khamis

Wright State statistics professor Harry Khamis named an American Statistical Association Fellow, a prestigious distinction honoring those at the top of the numbers profession. Continue reading

Excellence to the Core

Students and faculty honored for writing and teaching achievements
Joe Law, Rebecca Wynn and Wright State President David R. Hopkins

Wright State students and faculty honored for Writing Across the Curriculum achievements and teaching Wright State Core courses. Continue reading

Betting on Baghdad

Wright State recruiting trips to Iraq bear fruit

Recent recruitment efforts in Iraq have led to graduate students enrolling in engineering, science, mathematics and liberal arts programs at Wright State. Continue reading