Latino Center

The ripple effect of Tony Ortiz

Tony Ortiz

Excerpt In the little town of Cuomo, Puerto Rico, Dr. Tony Ortiz was the third of 13 kids raised by parents whose work ethic, faith, and love for their children produced a tight-knit family. With added guidance and support from … Continue reading

Wright State hosts Math Boot Camp for middle and high school students

Camper working on a problem

Middle and high school students have come to Wright State to better their science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine skills. Continue reading

Latino locomotive

Wright State’s Stephanie Patino-Garfias pushing hard for immigration reform
Stephanie Patino-Garfias

Stephanie Patino-Garfias, a political science and communication major at Wright State, advocates for the Latino community and for immigration reform. Continue reading

Second Amigos Latinos Gala to raise scholarship funds

Amigos Latinos Gala logo

Hosted by the Office of Latino Affairs, the second annual Amigos Latinos Gala takes place April 24 at 5 p.m. in the Wright State Nutter Center Arena. Continue reading

Documentary dynamite

Wright State’s Mai Nguyen helps chronicle plight of Vietnamese Americans in “Between Two Worlds”
Mai Nguyen in her office

Mai Nguyen, director of the Asian/Hispanic/Native American Center, is one of the local Vietnamese Americans featured in “Between Two Worlds,” a documentary produced by ThinkTV. Continue reading

Wright State exploring student exchange with the University of Panama

Representatives from the University of Panama visiting Wright State to explore student and research exchange. Continue reading

Making connections: Wright State to host Amigos Latinos Business Summit and Job Fair

Tony Ortiz

Whether they be for students, small business owners or the corporate world, Tony Ortiz’s latest endeavor is based on connecting people to each other and the resources they need that will help build our community. Continue reading