
Wright State art historian Karla Huebner to give online talks on surrealist artist Toyen

Karla Huebner will give a talk “Toyen and Czech Surrealism” on Aug. 5 and on her 2020 book “Magnetic Woman: Toyen and the Surrealist Erotic” on Aug. 8. Continue reading

Nursing Chair Ann Stalter honored with public health nursing research award

Ann Stalter was recognized for her research into applied systems thinking to manage COVID‐19 decision-making in complex health care systems. Continue reading

Wright State sociologist Marlese Durr receives prestigious faculty leadership award from Society for the Study of Social Problems

Marlese Durr was honored for her wide-ranging expertise, scholarship and contributions to the field of sociology. Continue reading

Wright State professor of nursing Ann Stalter receives national innovation award

Ann Stalter, professor of nursing, received the Jane Barnsteiner and Joann Disch Innovation Award from the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses. Continue reading

Wright State historian Noeleen McIlvenna wins prestigious fellowship award from North Caroliniana Society

Noeleen McIlvenna, professor of history, received the 2021 Archie K. Davis Fellowship award for her work “Dressed Pork: North Carolina and the Atlantic World Economy.” Continue reading

Center for Teaching and Learning wins praise from Faculty Senate for help with remote teaching

Faculty Senate formally praises the Center for Teaching and Learning for providing training and programming during the COVID-19 pandemic. Continue reading

Wright State faculty work to strengthen online courses for fall semester

Better online courses and more online offerings will greet Wright State students this fall semester thanks to the faculty’s strong response to training and their creative approaches to remote teaching. Continue reading

Wright State faculty member Adrienne Traxler receives federal grant to investigate remote teaching by physics faculty

Adrienne Traxler, associate professor of physics, will study the sources physics faculty members use to master remote teaching, including people, websites and social media. Continue reading

Bill Rickert, longtime faculty member and administrator, dies

A spirited member of the Wright State family for 45 years, Bill Rickert served as professor of communication, associate dean and interim dean of the College of Liberal Arts, and associate provost. Continue reading

Center for Teaching and Learning shifts into high gear on instruction for remote teaching

The Center for Teaching and Learning offers Wright State faculty members high-quality remote, hybrid or online teaching using best practices and preparedness. Continue reading