Fine and Performing Arts

Stage set for annual ArtsGala at Wright State

The annual ArtsGala, scheduled for Saturday, April 13, raises scholarship funds for Wright State’s outstanding fine and performing arts students. Continue reading

Wright State employees honored for excellence

Wright State University will recognize select staff and faculty members for their vital contributions to the university with the Awards for Excellence ceremony April 2. Continue reading

ArtsGala at 20

Stage set for a magical evening featuring all the arts at Wright State

ArtsGala, which showcases all the fine and performing arts at Wright State University in one place and time, celebrates its 20th year on April 13 in the Creative Arts Center. Continue reading

Water power

Paintings by Wright State arts alum Jennifer Rosengarten shine at Miami Valley Hospital South

Jennifer Rosengarten, who received her bachelor’s degree in painting from Wright State, was commissioned to create paintings for Miami Valley Hospital South. Continue reading

Wright State Theatre presents Sondheim’s Broadway hit ‘A Little Night Music’

Wright State Theatre’s production of “A Little Night Music” runs from March 21 to April 7 in the Festival Playhouse in the Creative Arts Center. Continue reading


Wright State alum Hannah Beachler shares her new Oscar and her insights with motion pictures students

Hannah Beachler ’05 returned to Wright State to talk to students about filmmaking and winning an Oscar for her work on “Black Panther.” Continue reading

Match maker

Wright State motion pictures alum Scott Marshall thrives as live-event producer for World Wrestling Entertainment

2002 Wright State film grad Scott Marshall has produced World Wrestling Entertainment shows around the United States and in Colombia, Panama and the Czech Republic. Continue reading

Ring leader

Wright State music student Noah Carpenter brings the carillon to life from atop a bell tower at a Middletown church

Noah Carpenter, organ performance and vocal music education major, may be the youngest carillonneur in the country. Continue reading

Wright State film grad Hannah Beachler wins Oscar for her work on ‘Black Panther’

Hannah Beachler, who graduated from Wright State in 2005, is the first African American to win an Oscar in the Best Production Design category. Continue reading

Wright State Theatre presents hit Broadway musical ‘If/Then’

Wright State Theatre’s production of “If/Then” runs from Feb. 22 to March 3 in the Herbst Theatre in the Creative Arts Center. Continue reading