Science & Mathematics

Bear hugs

Wright State marketing student Callista Hess is the driving force behind Bears4Children’s

Wright State marketing major Callista Hess and her family run an organization that delivers personalized teddy bears to sick children. Continue reading

Fall 2021 commencement ceremonies in photos

Wright State’s class of 2021 celebrated graduation during fall commencement ceremonies on Dec. 10–11 in the Nutter Center. Continue reading

Nearly 1,200 students graduate at Wright State’s fall commencement ceremonies

Wright State University President Sue Edwards, Ph.D., addressed the class, urging students, family and friends to savor the accomplishment of earning a college degree and to drive toward their next adventure. Continue reading

Nearly 1,200 students to graduate at Wright State’s fall commencement

Wright State will hold commencement ceremonies in the Wright State Nutter Center for its Graduate School on Dec. 10 at 7 p.m. and for undergraduate students on Dec. 11 at 10 a.m. Continue reading

Wright State researchers publish study identifying key mediator of neuronal disruption in neurological disease

The researchers identified a molecule that disrupts neurons from the brain, a finding that could broaden the understanding of neurological complications in diseases. Continue reading

Wright State scientists receive American Lung Association Discovery grant to advance lung cancer research

Weiwen Long, associate professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, and Marion Morel, a postdoctoral researcher, are studying non-small cell lung cancer. Continue reading

Explore the Wright State woods at annual Runkle Woods Symposium

The Runkle Woods Symposium is an opportunity to explore the Wright State woods with faculty, staff and students who are involved in research and creative projects. Continue reading

Cannon carpenter

Wright State alumnus Jared Shank restores a World War I cannon in his hometown

Jared Shank restored a World War I cannon that had been part of a veterans memorial in St. Paris. Continue reading

Expanding opportunities

Harry Khamis, professor emeritus and former director of the Statistical Consulting Center, hopes his estate gift will help recruit more diverse students to the field of statistics

Retired Wright State faculty member Harry Khamis made a bequest in his estate to establish an endowed fund to support the Statistical Consulting Center and students studying statistics. Continue reading

Neurobiology expert, Wright State alumnus Alfredo Garcia to hold campus seminar Nov. 5

Alfredo Garcia, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Chicago, will give a presentation on “Understanding the Neurophysiological Consequences of Intermittent Hypoxia and Beyond.” Continue reading