Inclusive Excellence

MLK holiday week to feature march, forum, documentary

A campus march, a forum on building community and the screening of a documentary film will highlight the 2014 Martin Luther King Jr. holiday week at Wright State University. Continue reading

Hazel Rountree stepping into role as university ombudsperson

In a move that signals an even greater commitment to faculty, staff and students at Wright State, educator/administrator/lawyer Hazel Rountree is settling in as the university’s newly created ombudsperson. Continue reading

LGBT activist to speak at Wright State on acceptance in athleticism

It was Hudson Taylor’s final season as the team wresting captain at the University of Maryland. Through his many years in athletics, Taylor witnessed relentless homophobia… Continue reading

Wright State commemorates “Night of Broken Glass” with film premiere

Personal reflections by a survivor of Kristallnacht, the “Night of Broken Glass,” will highlight Wright State University’s commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the 1938 attacks in Nazi Germany against Jews. Continue reading

Wright State women leaders win top state honors

Two women leaders at Wright State University received top awards from the ACE Women’s Network—Ohio during its annual statewide conference at Wright State November 1. Continue reading

Workshop to examine economics, democracy and violence in India

The Wright State departments of economics, English, religion, women’s studies and the Women’s Center are sponsoring a workshop that… Continue reading

Pay it forward

Wright State fourth-year student Quanita McRoberts

A shelter was once her home, and Wright State senior Quanita McRoberts can be found there occasionally. But now she’s there to give back. Continue reading

College experience for student Victor Colon includes lending a sympathetic ear

The phone rings in the middle of the night, jarring him awake. On the line is a Wright State student in a full-blown meltdown over a personal crisis—a failed test, financial worries or a broken heart. Continue reading

Hip-hop forum to promote non-violence

A hip-hop social/music forum designed to engage young adults in non-violence efforts is on tap thanks to Wright State University’s Bolinga Black Cultural Resources Center… Continue reading