
Business driven

Raj Soin College of Business hosted a record number of participants at its summer business camp

Over 40 high school students learned what it’s like to work in the field of business during a residential camp hosted by Wright State University’s Raj Soin College of Business. Continue reading

Student housing adds health-centered enhancements

Since the fall of last year, the staff at Crawford Hoying have been busy making enhancements to campus housing to improve students’ experiences and health. Continue reading

Students in Archaeology Field School excavate 100-year-old family farm

Wright State students find numerous artifacts during excavation of 100-year-old family farm. Continue reading

Herd instinct

Farmer Matthew Keener, a former Wright State music student, starts a nonprofit to donate beef to the needy

Matthew Keener, a former Wright State music student, took a 10-year detour to ranch in Montana before returning to Ohio to raise cattle and launching a nonprofit organization to donate beef to food banks. Continue reading

Stars and stripes

Wright State Army ROTC cadets and the U.S. Army Recruiting Company from Dayton participated in a Military Appreciation Day at Mini University. Continue reading

Services for service

Military veterans were able to connect with employers and service organizations at the Vets Moving Forward event at Wright State. Continue reading

Cleaning service

A business owned by Wright State alumni spent two weeks cleaning the exterior of the Nutter Center. Continue reading

Postcard campaign welcomes admitted students to Wright State

Dozens of faculty members, staff and current students volunteered to write by hand personal messages to admitted students. Continue reading

Power tower

High school students experienced Wright State Army ROTC activities and campus life during three days of training. Continue reading

Senior signatures

Hundreds of future Wright State students packed into the Student Union for Signing Day on May 2. Continue reading