Student Profile

Tip of the hat

Wright State’s Nathan Balasubramanian takes student service to a lofty level

Nathan Balasubramanian is involved in numerous campus activities, including the Student Government Association, while working toward two graduate degrees. Continue reading

Up to the challenge

Wright State’s Ellie Collins captains Army ROTC Raider Battalion Ranger Challenge Team

Ellie Collins, an international studies major, said she found more fulfillment in the academic challenges and opportunities offered at Wright State. Continue reading

Mowing for dollars

Student Government President-elect Lukas Wenrick grew successful business out of early adversity

A senior majoring in social science education, Lukas Wenrick hopes to pursue a career in higher education and perhaps run for public office. Continue reading

College spirit

Wright State’s Nickolas Hayden flourishing on the heels of getting his GED

Nickolas Hayden is majoring in computer engineering and philosophy and hopes to pursue a career in computer programming or create apps or video games. Continue reading

Target talent

Wright State grad student Matthew Scherreik’s paper on target recognition wins top award in international competition

Matthew Scherreik, who is pursuing a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, won the Lockheed Martin Best Student Paper award for the third year in a row. Continue reading

Wright State senior overcomes challenges to shine in the field of sports

Alan Hieber, a senior mass communication major, stays active by competing in races and by covering sports for The Guardian student newspaper. Continue reading

Turning a setback into a comeback

Pitcher Katie Neary overcame a severe injury that left her unable to walk to join the Wright State softball team. Continue reading

All the right moves

Wright State student Alimamy Barrie skies in university’s dance program

As a freshman, Alimamy Barrie would sneak into classes to watch because he loved dance. Now, he is a senior graduating with a bachelor’s degree in dance and pre-pharmacy. Continue reading

Stage of excitement

Wright State graduate student Shelby Dixon '14 helps produce pictorial timeline for Dayton’s Victoria Theatre

Shelby Dixon, a graduate public history student at Wright State, helped create pictorial timeline at Dayton’s historic Victoria Theatre to mark its 150th anniversary. Continue reading

ArtsGala scholarship keeps art student painting

Wright State art student Aileen Cave finds purpose in painting after a career in banking and law. Continue reading