Student Profile

Quantum leap

Wright State sophomore Mitchell Schneider flourishing in university’s world of physics

Wright State student Mitchell Schneider is flourishing in university’s world of physics. The sophomore is majoring in both physics and math and is carrying a 4.0 GPA. Continue reading

Cave drawing

Wright State’s Aileen Cave finds purpose in painting after a career in banking and law
Aileen Cave painting

Wright State art student Aileen Cave finds purpose in painting after a career in banking and law. Continue reading

Political action

Wright State’s Wesley Livesay running for City Council of Riverside

Wright State business student Wesley Lives is running for the City Council of Riverside and hopes to own his own business after college. Continue reading

Experiencing a new world

Alissa Peppo, an international business major at Wright State, turned her love of Disney into an internship at Walt Disney World. Continue reading

Social life

Wright State’s Melanie West uses social work training in Washington, D.C., immigration internship
Melanie West in Millett Hall

Working in Washington, D.C., as an advocacy intern on immigration issues was an eye-opening experience for social work major Melanie West. Continue reading

Social Star

Wright State senior Alli Fitzpatrick makes millions laugh with vivacious social media character

Wright State senior Alli Fitzpatrick makes millions laugh with a vivacious social media character. Continue reading

Interest of conflict

Incoming Wright State student Sierra Butler helps resolve disputes at Dayton Mediation Center
Sierra Butler in the Student Union

Incoming Wright State student Sierra Butler helps resolve disputes at the Dayton Mediation Center. She will soon pursue a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Continue reading

Drawing interest

Wright State’s Alexis Schankin brings her artistic skills to Office of Institutional Research
Alexis Schankin with infographics and artist sketches

Wright State student Alexis Schankin brings her artistic skills to Office of Institutional Research, where she designs infographics, posters and other materials to illustrate numbers and data. Continue reading

Digging up the past

Wright State student Tyler Heneghan explores the past through field work at the Fort Ancient Earthworks and an internship with the Dayton Society of Natural History and SunWatch Indian Village. Continue reading

Wrestling whiz

Wright State’s Anitra Jordan overcomes shyness by jumping into the ring
Anitra Jordan posed with arms crossed

Introverted and soft-spoken, senior mass communication major Anitra Jordan found a way to break out of her shell in a big way – by refereeing matches and training to become a pro wrestler. Continue reading