
Sociologists for Women in Society honors Marlese Durr with prestigious feminist lecturer award

Marlese Durr, professor of sociology, will give a lecture for the Sociologists for Women in Society and at a selected college campus. Continue reading

Book season

English faculty member Erin Flanagan publishes her first novel, with a second on the way

After releasing two short story collections, Erin Flanagan, a professor of English language and literatures at Wright State, published “Deer Season” earlier this fall. Continue reading

Expanding opportunities

Harry Khamis, professor emeritus and former director of the Statistical Consulting Center, hopes his estate gift will help recruit more diverse students to the field of statistics

Retired Wright State faculty member Harry Khamis made a bequest in his estate to establish an endowed fund to support the Statistical Consulting Center and students studying statistics. Continue reading

Damaris Serrano receives national Panamanian award for book on literature

The University of Panama honors Damaris Serrano, associate professor of Spanish with an award for her book on Panamanian literature. Continue reading

Professor of nursing Rosemary Eustace completes prestigious fellowship in Tanzania on breast cancer awareness

Rosemary Eustace received a Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship to collaborate with Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences in Tanzania. Continue reading

Ambassadors program spotlights expertise of Lake Campus faculty and opportunities for high school students

The Faculty Ambassadors Program introduces high school students to Lake Campus faculty members who are changing the world. Continue reading

Five undergraduate students receive Women in Science research awards

The Women in Science Giving Circle enhances the educational and professional success of female students and faculty members in STEMM disciplines. Continue reading

Faculty members honored for excellent service at Wright State

The Faculty Awards for Excellence recognize faculty members for their excellent work in the areas of teaching, research, community engagement, professional service and early career achievement. Continue reading

Presidential Award for Outstanding NTE Faculty: Service

Meredith A. Rodgers

Part of the series: Faculty Awards for Excellence 2020-21

Meredith Rodgers is a believer in undergraduate research and the benefits it offers to students in their development and success beyond the classroom. Continue reading

Presidential Award for Outstanding NTE Faculty: Teaching

Bridgett R. Severt

Part of the series: Faculty Awards for Excellence 2020-21

Bridgett Severt, lecturer of anatomy, is a talented, dedicated, hardworking and outstanding educator. Continue reading