
Civil conversations

Political science major Austin Leist wants to make a career out of having civil arguments as a lawyer and possibly a prosecuting attorney. Continue reading

Office of Disability Services honors scholarship recipients at annual banquet

The Office of Disability Services celebrated the accomplishments of 20 scholarship recipients and presented its Golden Spoke Awards at its annual Scholarship Awards Banquet. Continue reading

Sharing the joy of music

The legacy of former Wright State professor Mel Goldfinger lives on through his love of music

The late Mel Goldfinger’s beloved collection of instruments was donated to the Wright State School of Music. Continue reading

Creating conversation

Career Services at Wright State has a new tool to help engage students and connect them with people and resources. Continue reading

Wright State University Foundation awards Students First Fund grants

Eleven projects were selected for the fourth year of Students First funding

Eleven projects received Students First Fund grants ranging from $1,554 to $6,555 in funding. Continue reading

Volcano of talent

After a two-year hiatus from in-person performances, Wright State University’s annual ArtsGala is back! Continue reading

Spirit of Innovation

Amy Shope Jones

Part of the series: President's Awards for Excellence 2020

Amy Shope Jones regularly comes up with new, innovative ways to raise much-needed funds for students, particularly Wright State’s emergency fund. Continue reading

Touching tribute

An estate gift creates an endowment honoring the late Wright State professor Larry Kurdek

An estate gift from his twin brother, Leonard, will allow the Dr. Larry Kurdek Endowed Scholarship to continue for perpetuity. Continue reading

Stage set for annual ArtsGala at Wright State

The Dayton region’s most festive and unique arts event is scheduled for Saturday, April 9, with an impressive program featuring student performances in theatre, dance, motion pictures, music and visual arts. Continue reading

ArtsGala silent auction features stunning artwork by Wright State students

The ArtsGala silent auction offers exclusive travel and vacation packages, luxury gift baskets, fine dining certificates, top-quality wine and cigars, entertainment packages and artwork. Continue reading