Inclusive Excellence

Wright State to celebrate new Office of LGBTQA Affairs

The Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Ally Affairs will host a Launch event on Jan. 27 beginning at noon in the Student Union Rathskeller. Continue reading

Holocaust and other genocides focus of exhibit at Wright State

A group of Israeli educators will give a detailed lecture on the exhibit Rebellion of Hope from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Jan. 28. Continue reading

Sultans of Swing will examine links between baseball, jazz and fiction

Series begins with a lecture on “Sports and the Absent History of the Harlem Renaissance” on Jan. 29 and a panel discussion on “Women and African-Americans in Baseball History” on Feb. 10. Continue reading

Wright State honors Martin Luther King Jr. with march, call to action

Marchers on campus honor Martin Luther King Jr.’s principles of nonviolence while unleashing a wakeup call to action against oppression in today’s society. Continue reading

Wright State will honor Martin Luther King Jr. with on- and off-campus events

Wright State will honor the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. with a brunch, marches and video screening Jan. 15-20. Continue reading

High-ranking delegation from prestigious English university visiting Wright State on fact-finding mission

Weeklong visit to Wright State by a delegation of officials from Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, England, promises to strengthen the existing relationship between the two schools and create new opportunities. Continue reading

Potluck no more: Raidersgiving expected to draw largest crowd, needs your support

It may have started small, but now it’s gotten big and Raidersgiving needs your help. Continue reading

College of Engineering and Computer Science’s Wright STEPP program receives donation

AT&T donates gift to Wright State’s College of Engineering and Computer Science in support of its science, technology and engineering preparatory program. Continue reading

Walking his own path

Wright State student Roberto Clemente may share a name with his famous relative, but his story is much more than baseball

Although Wright State student Roberto Clemente is related to the Hall of Fame outfielder of the same name, his story is about much more than baseball. Continue reading

TEDxDayton to feature many Wright State faculty, alumni

A number of Wright State faculty and alumni will participate in the third annual TEDxDayton on Oct. 16. Continue reading