
Wright State Ph.D. student Michele Miller says social reaction to Zika virus offers lessons about coronavirus

Michele Miller said the public needs to understand that scientists are still learning about coronavirus and that much is unknown. Continue reading

Wright State biologist Don Cipollini says research results on emerald ash borer may offer lessons on coronavirus

Cipollini says the coronavirus encounters a new habitat of humans lacking resistance, starts to infect people in a largely undetected fashion, spreads exponentially, peaks and then declines. Continue reading

Down to earth

Wright State grad student David Peterman has discovered fossils from California to the Carolinas

Ph.D. student David Peterman says fieldwork and travel has given him the skills to better understand the complexity of the world. Continue reading

Wright State researcher Corey Seemiller releases study on potential voting behavior of Generation Z

“Gen Z Voices on Voting” is the latest study by Corey Seemiller, associate professor of leadership studies in education and organizations at Wright State. Continue reading

Precious metal

Engineering students receive hands-on experience with 3D metal printer

Lab in the College of Engineering and Computer Science is using the 3D metal printer to teach and train students in metal additive manufacturing. Continue reading

Activism analysis

Wright State alumna Crystal Whetstone researching mothers as political force

Crystal Whetstone, who earned degrees in political science and international and comparative politics at Wright State, researches women’s participation in politics. Continue reading

Department of Pediatrics participates in national collaborative to improve care of emotional needs for children with chronic illnesses

The collaborative aims to increase the resilience and emotional health of pediatric patients with chronic conditions and their families. Continue reading

Survey by Wright State marketing students reveals potential for increasing student awareness of Dayton companies

Wright State students in a marketing research class conducted the survey for Dayton Workforce Partnerships. Continue reading

No doubt about it

Research award for Wright State biology student Tara-Yesomi Wenegieme shows lab prowess

Tara-Yesomi Wenegieme, a biological sciences major at Wright State, wants to become a doctor and conduct research, possibly in pathology. Continue reading

Data devotee

2019 Computer science alum Hussein S. Al-Olimat making a splash in information extraction

Hussein S. Al-Olimat earned his Ph.D. in computer science in 2019 from Wright State, conducting research on “Knowledge-enabled Entity Extraction” with Kno.e.sis. Continue reading