People of Wright State

Military minded

Wright State alum Anthony Heiland played key role in the creation of the Veteran and Military Center

Anthony Heiland, an Army veteran and Wright State business grad, organized the effort to provide a space on campus for veteran and military-connected students. Continue reading

Photo opportunity

Wright State photography student Katie Burianek selected as prestigious Yeck Fellow

Wright State student Katie Burianek says photography enables her to tell a story with a single image. Continue reading

In the bag

Wright State violin student Katie West was runner-up in a national grocery bagging championship

Katie West, who majors in violin performance and music education and works at Dorothy Lane Market, was runner-up in a national grocery bagging competition. Continue reading

Peace warrior

Wright State alumnus Iskandar Atajanow destined for U.S. Foreign Service after receiving a prestigious Rangel Fellowship

Iskandar Atajanow, who earned his bachelor’s degree in management from Wright State, will pursue a master’s degree in public policy at Harvard University in the fall. Continue reading

Aiming high

Wright State junior Kathryn Fiske’s story about success, failure and finding her true passions

Kathryn Fiske, a crime and justice studies major and Air Force ROTC cadet, learned to manage her interests, studies and life so she could thrive at Wright State. Continue reading

Foundation for success

From stand-up comedy to the automotive world, Chris Wagel ’02 credits Wright State with helping him thrive

Chris Wagel never envisioned a successful career in automotive sales. As a Wright State student, he steered clear of anything related to the world of business. Continue reading

Northern exposure

Wright State mechanical engineering student Jack Stafford thrilled with engineering internship in Sweden

When Wright State mechanical engineering student Jack Stafford went to work during the fall 2019 semester, just a short distance away was the Nobel Prize Museum. Continue reading

Wheel zeal

Wright State alum Kimiko Kidd picking up speed at an automotive magazine

She has degrees in environmental sciences and sociology from Wright State but works as an editor for an automotive magazine. Continue reading

Trophy case

Lake Campus helps Esteban Benitez springboard to success in product design

After earning a bachelor’s degree from the Wright State Lake Campus, Esteban Benitez is now pursuing a master’s degree in instructional design while also teaching two courses. Continue reading

Tower power

Social work major Rebekah Wyse calls study abroad trip to France experience of a lifetime

Rebekah Wyse decided to major in social work at Wright State so she could help others. Continue reading